Stepping Stones Safe Haven | Emergency Shelter
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To ensure our community matches needs with resources more efficiently, Stepping Stones participates in Access Rutherford, the county Coordinated Entry System. Individuals or families will need to complete a registration form with our Hospitality Coordinator or other access point in our community.

Clients can use our day shelter immediately. Access to night shelter and financial assistance is dependent on referral from the Coordinated Entry System.

Available Programs

Day Shelter

Operating Hours

8:00am – 4:00pm, 7 days per week

         Our organization offers Day Shelter for women and children experiencing homelessness. Preference is given to women with children.

Our Day Shelter offers clients an opportunity to take a shower, have a meal, do laundry and use the phone/internet.

Night Shelter

Operating Hours

4:00pm – 8:00am, 7 Nights/ Week

Our Night Shelter is provided through a mixture of nights spent at local church partners or in the shelter building known as “The Haven”.

To be eligible, clients will need to be able to arrive from work or appointments by 6pm and should meet other admission guidelines. Initially clients are approved for 30 days of emergency shelter. Additional time in shelter may be available as clients work towards stability with their case manager.

Housing Stability Program

By Referral & Appointment

Our Case Managers provide Housing Navigation to assist clients in
goal setting, accountability and progress towards stability.

Clients work with case managers towards housing readiness and stability. Our team is trained to help clients understand potential obstacles. We work to help empower them to be able to move into housing.

We can help with personal identification, landlord identification and relationship building, life skills and more. Financial assistance to help with deposits and utilities is available as funding allows. Clients receiving funding are expected to stay connected with the team for 6 months or longer.

Resource Connection

Call 2-1-1 or Visit Our Day Shelter

Team members can connect you to additional services such as local food pantries, childcare, transportation, financial assistance, etc. Resource lists are available with our front office team.

Individuals can also call 2-1-1 from any phone to learn about services specific to Rutherford County.

Admission Guidelines

  • Clients with children (male and female, 17 and under) and those living in Rutherford County are given priority for services. Proof of residency may be required. Proof of homelessness is required for grant purposes as well. Our Hospitality Coordinator can assist you with this.
  • Clients should be able to live independently without the need for 1:1/continuous care. Our facility is fully ADA compliant. However, we are unable to provide care consistent with skilled nursing or mental health facilities.
  • We are unable to admit individuals with a history of violent offenses, crimes against children or sex offenders. We will work with you to make connections to community partners who are able to assist you in your journey.


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Stepping Stones Safe Haven does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, disability, or national origin (Title VI).

Individuals needing assistance due to limited English proficiency should ask for translation assistance.

Complaints or concerns should be sent to:

Emily Davenport, Title VI Coordinator

(615) 900-4427 or
