Stepping Stones Safe Haven | Churches
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Engaging with our Ministry

Benefits of Church Partnership

  • An opportunity to engage with individuals experiencing homelessness in our community, leading to a better understanding of their needs, hopes, and dreams.
  • An opportunity for a congregation to open its facilities to support and serve those often marginalized by society.
  • An opportunity for guests to develop relationships and community with people of faith.
  • An opportunity for churches to foster discipleship among their parishioners, providing a space to be the hands and feet of Jesus

Congregations Engage by:

Hosting up to 12 women & children

Help transport guests to and from churches

Assist with set up, meals & clean up

Spend time with guests (games, reading, relationships, etc.)

Churches Can Expect

A parternship approach to serving

Initial & Ongoing Training

Countless opportunities to experience the blessing of serving

A team member on call for any emergencies or concerns while you host
